Information event on December 7 in AZ Conni with the Initiative in Remembrance of Oury Jalloh

December 7 2016 | 8pm | AZ Conni, Rudolf-Leonhardt-Str. 39 Information event on December 7 in AZ Conni with the Initiative in Remembrance of Oury Jalloh and the RAA Sachsen Racist violence still is everyday life in our society. Attacks in the streets and on refugee accommodations, brutal isolation at the EU borders or police read more »

WE ARE HERE – Radioshow 28.11.2016

This time we were talking about deportations and european states’ effort in enforcing their deportation-techniques. In addition we had a short focus on deportation in saxony. We talked to a person who has to fear deportation everyday and gave examples on actions that had been taken to hinder a deportation. Here you can listen to read more »

البرنامج الاذاعي نحن هنا ٢١/١١/٢٠١٦

موضوع الحلقه تأثير اجراءات اللجوء النفسي على اللاجئين مما يؤثر على حياتهم اليومية وفاة بعض اللاجئين نتيجة طول مدة الانتظار او الرفض يمكن الاستماع للبرنامج على هذا الرابط

WE ARE HERE – Radioshow 14.11.2016

This time our topic was the election of Donald Trump. He stands for white supremacy, sexism, and a super-rich elite leading one of the world’S mightiest governments. Here you can listen to the RadioShow

البرنامج الاذاعي نحن هنا ٠٧/١١/٢٠١٦

موضوع الحلقه فكرة الإنسان الأوربي عن الاسلام والمسلمين ومدى تأثير تعامله مع اللاجئين على تصحيح هذه الفكرة يمكن الاستماع للبرنامج على هذا الرابط

We Are Here – Radioshow – 31.10.2016

This time the show was about the Refugee-Camp in Calais France and its recent eviction. For many years this camp had been the biggest in western Europe. Thousands of refugees were trying to travel to England by using the Eurotunnel in Calais. With the french elections coming up in 2017 and anti-migration politics being pushed read more »


We are here – Radioshow 17.10.2016

This time the show was all about PEGIDA. Its second birthday, the role of the city Dresden and society as well as the perception of our studioguests who witnessed the racist atmosphere in Saxony over the last two years. Here you can listen to the RadioShow

Press release: Advertisement Boxes Refilled with Antiracist Messages

Today activists refilled several advertisement boxes at tram and bus stops in the area of Dresden with new contents. Instead of having normal advertisements the boxes content has changed to antiracist messages. The cause for this is the second anniversary of the emergency of the racist PEGIDA demonstrations. With this action the group wants to read more »

WE ARE HERE – Radioshow 03. October 2016

On third of October we had another of our Radioshows (broadcasted every 2 weeks) at Coloradio. This time the show was about the Reunifaction of Germany and this years “Germanyparty” taking place in Dresden. Furthermore we talked about racism in the GDR as well as the importance and aim of national holidays in other countries. read more »